Engineering Short Courses

Printed Circuit Board Design for EMC and Signal Integrity is LearnEMC's primary core course. It covers the EMC-related topics that are important for circuit board designers in all industries. This is a 2-day course when taught live, on-site. It is a 12-hour course when taught online (usually in 8, 90-minute segments). The three courses listed below are similar core courses:

Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Compatibility
A core course targeted towards individuals who are new to EMC
Electronic Systems Design for EMC Compliance
A core course with more of a systems-level focus
Design for Automotive EMC Compliance
A core course with an automotive component and systems focus.

In addition to our core courses, LearnEMC also offers courses targeting specific EMC-related topics. These courses include:

The Physics of EMC Measurements
A course for individuals primarily interested in making meaningful EMC measurements
Computer Modeling Tools for Electromagnetic Compatibility
A course outlining tools that are available and how they can be utilized
Advanced Design for EMC Compliance
A follow-on to the core courses that emphasizes design-for-compliance techniques.

Scheduling a Course at your Company

Companies can schedule any of the LearnEMC courses to be offered to their employees on-site or on-line. Companies interested in EMC training for their employees should contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for information on pricing, content and scheduling.

Open-enrollment Option for Individuals

If you are an individual or a company with only a few prospective students, monitor our web site (or follow us on LinkedIn) to be notified of upcoming open-enrollment courses. We typically offer a core course once in the Spring and once in the Fall. Open-enrollment offerings of the non-core courses are less frequent but will be announced at least three months in advance. Online open-enrollment 6-hour courses cost $495 USD and online open-enrollment 12-hour courses cost $895 USD.

Full List of Courses and Descriptions

Printed Circuit Board Design for EMC and Signal Integrity (12 hours)
This course on the design and layout of high speed printed circuit boards stresses the fundamental concepts that board designers need to understand to avoid electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity problems. Students completing the course will be able to make good decisions regarding component selection, component placement, and trace routing. In addition, students will be able to implement effective power distribution and grounding strategies.

The Physics of Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurements (6 hours)
This course reviews the equipment, test set-up and primary coupling mechanisms associated with each of the major EMC tests. The goal of the course is to provide a basic understanding of the physics involved in making the measurement so that EMC test and design engineers can make better, more meaningful and more repeatable measurements.

Computer Modeling Tools for Electromagnetic Compatibility - 2023 (6 hours)
This course reviews the latest computer modeling tools available to help engineers analyze system and board designs and troubleshoot electromagnetic interference problems with existing products. Students completing the course will be aware of the tools available to them and able to make good decisions regarding the tools that are appropriate for their needs.

Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Compatibility (12 hours)
This course introduces fundamental electromagnetic compatibility concepts for electronic product designers, board layout professionals, EMC test engineers and engineering managers. The focus of the course is on providing students with the knowledge and tools required to avoid common EMC design mistakes. Students completing the course will learn to systematically review their designs to find problems before the first hardware is built and tested.

Electronic Systems Design for EMC Compliance (12 hours)
This course introduces fundamental electromagnetic compatibility concepts for electronic system designers. The focus of the course is on providing students with the knowledge and tools required to develop products that comply with all EMC requirements. Students completing the course will learn to systematically review their designs to find problems before the first hardware is built and tested.

Design for Automotive EMC Compliance (12 hours)
This course covers proper grounding, filtering and shielding techniques for automotive electronic systems. Students completing the course will be able to develop effective strategies for ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility of automotive components and systems. They will also learn to conduct effective design reviews in order to identify problems well before the first hardware is built and tested.

Advanced Design for EMC Compliance (12 hours)
This advanced course leads students through the process of systematically ensuring that their product designs will meet all applicable EMC requirements. Students will learn to identify and utilize their ground structure, control the flow of high and low-frequency currents, identify and characterize potential sources and victims of EMI, control bandwidths, ignore structures and coupling paths that cannot contribute to EMC problems, and systematically identify and evaluate structures and coupling paths capable of causing a product to be non-compliant.

Power Electronics Design for Electromagnetic Compatibility (6 hours)
This course covers fundamental and advanced design concepts related to the design of power electronic circuits for meeting electromagnetic compatibility requirements. Basic power electronic circuit topologies and applications are reviewed with a focus on the fundamental properties of these circuits that result in unwanted conducted and radiated emissions. Noise source models are presented, and various noise mitigation options are examined.

Essential Shielding Concepts and Design Strategies (6 hours)
There is a common perception among engineers that electromagnetic shielding is a simple matter of enclosing everything in metal. In reality, the most effective shields are often nothing more than small well-placed plates made of materials appropriate for the application. This course presents the fundamental concepts necessary to develop effective shielding strategies for various applications. Students who successfully complete this course will be able to recognize situations where shielding would be beneficial, choose the correct shielding materials and design shields that are appropriate for the application.